On saturday I take part in to the Anttisworldcup competition. Of course I needed to try how high I can reach from the corner. A kicker had formed on the lip during the competition, and caused my balance to lean backwards in the air, leading to me landing on my back in the corner. Luckily nothing bad happened. Only my left back muscle ruptured and it has disturbed my movement and I haven't been able to take part to my morning trainings but I think this will only take few days. Today my local snowboard team oraganized a medal ceremony at Ounasvaara ski center.
keskiviikko 20. huhtikuuta 2011
Sattuu ja tapahtuu
Lauantaina osallistuin Ounasvaaralla seku Anttisworldcup tapahtumaan ja tietenki piti yrittää kuinka korkealla on mahollista hypätä kornerista.... Lippaan oli kulunu päivän aika pieni kinkki, joka vaikutti hyppyyn silleen, että lähti takapainoon ilmassa ja jysähin selälleni kornerin alastuloon. Koti analyysillä vasen selkälihas revähti ja karamppas koko loppu päivän. Nyt selkä alkaa olemaan ihan hyvässä kunnossa jo, mutta silti vähän kipeä vielä, joten treenaaminen venyy ainaki jonku aikaa vielä. Tänään vietettiin myös oman seuran (MCO) järjestämiä mitalli kahvittelut Ounasvaaralla, kakku oli hyvää ja vieraat asiallisia!
On saturday I take part in to the Anttisworldcup competition. Of course I needed to try how high I can reach from the corner. A kicker had formed on the lip during the competition, and caused my balance to lean backwards in the air, leading to me landing on my back in the corner. Luckily nothing bad happened. Only my left back muscle ruptured and it has disturbed my movement and I haven't been able to take part to my morning trainings but I think this will only take few days. Today my local snowboard team oraganized a medal ceremony at Ounasvaara ski center.

On saturday I take part in to the Anttisworldcup competition. Of course I needed to try how high I can reach from the corner. A kicker had formed on the lip during the competition, and caused my balance to lean backwards in the air, leading to me landing on my back in the corner. Luckily nothing bad happened. Only my left back muscle ruptured and it has disturbed my movement and I haven't been able to take part to my morning trainings but I think this will only take few days. Today my local snowboard team oraganized a medal ceremony at Ounasvaara ski center.
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